Chiropractic + Physical Therapy
These practitioners have helped me alleviate and maintain the health of my body in more ways than one. They each have their own unique specialty.
Kindra Woo
Dr. Woo specializes in neuromusculoskeletal disorders, sports injuries, rehabilitation, neck and low back disorders, and disc injuries. Her treatment approach includes assessing the person as a whole, educating to empower, and implementing strategies to overcome obstacles in their daily lives. Within the LGBTQ+ community, Dr. Woo strives to bridge the gap between manual therapy providers and apprehensive patients and is passionate about bringing accessible chiropractic care where all bodies feel welcomed.
Elena Esparza
Dr. Elena is a Chiropractor and she also specializes in detoxing the body on all levels, not just the physical body. She assists the client in finding their own individualized detoxing program that includes, herb, food modifications, exercise and meditation. Through her deep understanding of the mind body connection, Dr. Elena will guide you through your internal blocks, towards your optimal level of health.
Chris Zipser
Our mission at ClimbPainFree is to create a resource in the climbing community to help you rehabilitate and prevent injuries. Whether you have had nagging shoulder pain since you began climbing, or you are looking for an individualized program to help you send your next project..we've got the beta!